Accessibility Statement

e-jewelcraft is committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to everyone. Customer satisfaction and user experience are our priorities. Therefore, we implement various accessibility features and standards to ensure that everyone can easily access our site and its content.

Screen Reader Support:

For our visually impaired visitors, we make arrangements on our website to be compatible with screen reader software. This allows text content to be read accurately and facilitates navigation.

Color Contrast and Font:

By using high-contrast colors and readable fonts, we ensure that our site is easily readable for everyone. This helps visitors with vision impairments to see and understand the content better.

Keyboard Navigation:

For visitors who have difficulty using a mouse or cannot use a mouse, we make our site easily navigable using only the keyboard. With keyboard shortcuts and navigation adjustments, we enable users to interact comfortably.

Video Captions and Audio Descriptions:

In video content on our site, we provide captions or audio descriptions to ensure that hearing-impaired or visually impaired visitors can understand the content. This allows everyone to fully benefit from the video content.

Communication and Feedback:

If you encounter any accessibility issues or have suggestions for making our site more accessible, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our customer service team is here to improve your experience.

We continue to meet accessibility standards and strive to make our site more usable for everyone. At e-jewelcraft, we are dedicated to enabling everyone to discover and experience our beautiful jewelry.

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